Getting Started

Welcome to the Courseify Documentation.

Here you should find everything you need from getting started with creating content.

Understanding the folder structure

For writing you may primarly be working on ./content folder. The course/index.mdx files give the structure for docs page.

  • /content/js - Specify js course

Naming convention is upto to you just make sure there are no spaces between name

The example of Javascript course which has 4 pages.

        ├── index.mdx - the intro page
        ├── basic.mdx 
        ├── intermediate.mdx
        └── advance.mdx

If you want to create a course let's say css you can add a new folder to ./content, For example

        ├── index.mdx - the intro page
        ├── page1.mdx 
        ├── page2.mdx
        └── page3.mdx

There is no limit to number of pages, so write as much you want

Add Content to .MDX files

Add content Using React components in Markdown using MDX.

   title: Getting Started
    description: Welcome to the Courseify Documentation.
        Write anything to want using the MDX components

Make sure to add a title and description to .mdx files either they won't work

As the content is generated now the only remaining part is to show it

  • Go to .config/course.ts
  • Add the links to Newly generated content
 sidebarNav: [
      title: "Css",
      items: [
          title: "Introduction",
          href: "/courses/css",
        title: "topic",
          href: "/courses/css/topic-name",

The above code to work Make sure you have index.mdx and topic-name.mdx in ./content/css/.

  • Links without topic name go to index.mdx in that folder
  • courses/css reffer to .content/css/index.mdx
  • courses/css/topic-name reffers to .content/css/topic-name.mdx

Congrats You made it to the end

Now Raise a pull request Lets other people feedback on it


Reffer to the links below for understanding the flow of content

This is not the only structure or flow for writing content you can write however you want using the components provide here also you can make custom components as you like.



Curated Javascript Topics and Resources



Css made easy with this Guide
